It’s long been said that the first casualty of war is truth. If that is the case, we are at war. Or, at least war has been declared by an army of liars that seek to destroy the value of truth in media and society. In a world where politicians openly lie in ways that damage vulnerable populations; when social media promotes blood-libel about political opponents; when foreign actors attempt to influence US elections with targeted lies—we no longer enjoy the luxury of waiting to see what happens.

Liars have declared war on the United States. Their tactic is to pit one group of Americans needlessly against another. Their strategic goal is personal gain, regardless of the cost to the rest of us. Bad actors in the US and beyond promote politics of division and of hate. They want to bring us back not to the 1950s as is often said, but the 1450s: when no one had any rights except lord of the manor; when an unworthy priesthood ruled an impoverished peasantry; when rumor was as good as fact. They spread their targeted disinformation mostly via social media platforms. It does not have to be this way. We can help defeat disinformation by repealing a law called Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.


Verity7 was founded in 2024 as a domestic US 501c4 nonprofit. The firm provides educational resources and advocacy regarding disinformation and Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act.


We speak at public venues about Section 230 and its effect upon the body politic. Our presentation “Truth Matters” is about the social media landscape, its technology and its effects, and the laws that support it.


We believe that the defeat of Section 230 is key to bringing back truth in media. Social media platforms like Meta, X and YouTube have no disincentive to block disinformation. Worse, their algorithms promote it for profit.